Saturday, August 2, 2008

Working on Saturday Night

Big changes are happening around work. We are getting a new computer system so our inventory has been counted and checked all week long. To finish the week, Nikki and Adam (My sister and Bro. in Law, and the store owners) decided to buy a new shelfing unit for our Cherokee Workwear solid scrubs, so Emily (My Cousin) and I went in tonight to fold all of the Workwear so it can go into the new shelves. Knowing this could get tedious, I took my trusty camera along, and look at the fun we had.

First off, an out-of-focus pic of Emily peeking through the Doc shoe rack. WIERDO!

Here, I'm hiding from the scrubs. I never wish to see scrubs again in my life after tonight.

Hangers, Hangers everyhwere. What!? I had to take an artisitc picture along the way.

Finally, if you've ever walked bare-footed on glue down carpet (the type most stores and commercial building have) then you'll know what this is all about. If you've ever eated fast food then you probably know all about the ba-donk-a-donk butt you see on the left as well, thanks for noticing...



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I am a student. I want to be a photographer. I am Majoring in communications. I love diet coke. I don't love regular coke. I have a Nikon. Twitter: brockabel Blog: