Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This year for our High Adventure we took a road trip to Nauvoo. I will admit I was skeptical of the trip and really didn't want to spend nearly 40 hours in the car to get there and back. In spite of that I went and ended up being really greatful for the opportunity.

The Nauvoo temple is the greatest I have have seen yet,

Though dirty, I though the Mississippi was pretty sweet.

Above you'll see the Original home of Brigham Young. Below is a plate inside the house, that is belived to be from Brigham Young's home originaly.

These next three are in the "70's" house, where the quorum of the seventy met.

My Dad's Grandpa, George Watt was called to be in the Quorum of The seventy. He also owned to lots of land in Nauvoo.



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I am a student. I want to be a photographer. I am Majoring in communications. I love diet coke. I don't love regular coke. I have a Nikon. Twitter: brockabel Blog: brockabel.blogspot.com