Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well I'm back in school, but as a Junior this year. Most people hate going back to school, but I'm really not all that dissapointed. I have two classes of choir, right in a row so my whole A day is pretty much choir. I also signed up for a Web Programming course, but ended up with a computer programming course. It's looking fun but intimidating, I'll really need to work hard in this class. The kid next to me really enjoys talking about something called "bios" and and the kid behind me asked if I knew C++ gooey language. I feel lost, but glad to have people that know this stuff sit by me. My history teacher told some kid who was late to "sit his trash down, and shut up." She seems, well, cool. Last year we had no seniors at our school so the parking lots were pretty much empty, We laugh at lunch now when we end up at the other side of the parking lot and remember when "5 spaces" was too far away. One last comment, yesterday after I pulled out of the lot, a mother in her SUV began to pull out of the other driveway in front of me, but stopped when she noticed me coming. Just then a sophomore rear ended her. Silly sophomores.


Melissa August 28, 2008 at 9:38 PM  

I'm glad you're enjoying bud. We're all counting on you to bring in lots of benjamins for the fam!


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I am a student. I want to be a photographer. I am Majoring in communications. I love diet coke. I don't love regular coke. I have a Nikon. Twitter: brockabel Blog: