Sunday, June 22, 2008


About six days before Nikki and Adam were going on a vacation to Portland, Oregon, Adam invited me along. Of course, I went, and it was a blast. While there we stayed in Portland for three nights while visiting our cousin, Cindy, who lives in Gresham. Next we went to Seaside, which is full of beautiful sights and, bet you can't guess, the Ocean. My favorite part of the trip was our visit to Canon Beach, to see "Haystack Rock." We timed it perfectly and ended up at the rock during low tide, which means there was a lot of aquatic life in the tide pools.

My Girl, Ivy.

My Jeans were rolled up so they wouldn't get wet, I don't just walk around like that everywhere. Here you see me taking a break with a good bottle of Whisky.


Melissa June 23, 2008 at 5:47 PM  

Those pics are so pretty. YOu are getting good!


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I am a student. I want to be a photographer. I am Majoring in communications. I love diet coke. I don't love regular coke. I have a Nikon. Twitter: brockabel Blog: