My parents have a four year old Shih-Tzu that sometimes I'm sure ranks higher than me. Mandie is spolied beyond the amount of most human children and she gets jealous when my brother and sisters bring their kids around, but I still love the dog, even if she comes in above me on the totum poll, ha ha.
Sickly Animal! On January 1st, Mom decided it would be a good idea to give the dog a peice of pizza. At first things were good, but soon enough it was all over her beard and then her body, and anything she came in contact with. Like I said.. SPOILED! However, Mom isn't the only one that spoiles mandie. Dad is also to blame here. He goes for drives in the car just to give to dog a ride. He fills her dish with bottled water, because he thinks she doesn't like tap water. She sleeps not on the bottom, but at the top of my parents bed each night, right up there with them, her head on the pillow and all. The dog watches TV with us and barks when other animals come on. When I say she watches TV, I mean it. Mandie sits in front of the TV and stares at the screen as if she is understanding what is happening. All this while she drinks her purified water and eats a slice of pizza. What a dog!
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